The Berkeley Shore

The Sanctuary
Miami Beach is known for its sunshine, crystal blue beaches, palm trees and the Miami Heat!
But to the architecturally savvy (and perhaps to that crowd who watched Miami Vice once upon a time), Miami Beach is extremely well known for its vast array of cozy, pastel-colored buildings which compose its historic Art Deco district.
Miami Beach is a young city, turning 100 years young in 2015 –so the Art Deco which dates back to the 1920-30s is just about the most ancient thing on the island! It’s extremely treasured since it is a major component of that laid-back, cozy vibe for which Miami Beach is notorious.
Art Deco, originally a French style originating in 1925, is inspired by the wanderlust of the Roaring 1920’s; as it was the golden age of industrial travel then, Art Deco is influenced by trains and as is most especially seen in Miami Beach, by ships. Thus, as you are biking or Segwaying around Miami Beach you will notice the patterns: the rounded edges of many buildings, the circular, port-hole windows, and the variation in façade heights to simulate the toppling presence of ocean-liners. The many pastel colors are inspired by the color schemes the travelers of this time noted throughout the world’s vast arts and cultures.
What makes Bike and Roll significant is that not only do we give tours of the area; we are also extremely conveniently located in the district itself – with not one but two different locations! Whether you grab a tried-and-true bicycle or book a tour on the not-so-common and incredibly fun Segway, you can take a ride around the Art Deco district till you count down to our golden sunset and watch the buildings come alive at night when they proudly light up in dazzling neon schemes that give Miami Beach a wholly different identity.